EuroTier 2024 Curtain Raiser

 Leading Innovation Hub for the International Livestock Industry

EuroTier the world’s leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, will take place from 12 to 15 November 2024 in Hanover, Germany. Some 2,100 companies and organizations from 55 countries will be present. Under the guiding theme “We innovate animal farming.” the trade fair offers an international technical program on – among others – the latest developments in dairy and poultry production.

EuroTier LogoA few months before kick-off, interest in the EuroTier / EnergyDecentral 2024 trade fairs is already high among visitors. In a survey (carried out in June 2024) of potential professional farming visitors to the world’s leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, 60 percent of respondents stated that they have already made firm plans to visit EuroTier in Hanover, Germany. Some 30 percent responded that they will be making a decision in the coming weeks. The exhibition areas of stabling and feeding technology as well as feed input and operating resources were particularly highly rated. When it comes to current industry topics, visitors prioritize animal welfare, sustainability, digitization, automation and robotics.

Robotics in livestock farming
Robot-assisted automation for animal husbandry is developing fast with many new applications now available. Farm managers are actively employing these technologies to increase productivity while reducing costs and combating rising shortage of skilled labor. Ultimately, this leads to improved working conditions as well as enhanced animal welfare, animal health and benefits to the environment. This ties in with the maxim ‘We innovate animal farming’, the chosen theme for EuroTier 2024 exhibition. Farming professionals will be looking forward to the DLG’s new platform for robotics, digitization, automation and AI in agriculture: FarmRobotix. At the Barn Robot Event seven feed pusher robots for dairy cattle barns will be presented as part of daily live demonstrations in a dedicated area.

World Poultry Show

The World Poultry Show is the international platform for the poultry industry. Exhibitors along the entire production chain can be found in Halls 16, 17 and 23. The DLG spotlight “AI in poultry farming” is presenting solutions for the practical use of AI-supported technologies for the poultry industry and the Poultry Expert Stage, invites visitors to attend numerous top-class specialist presentations on all aspects of poultry production. Scientists, consultants, staff from funding projects and other international industry experts will be presenting innovative approaches.

Showcase for innovative animal feed solutions
In the debate about securing food for a growing world population, animal feed is an increasingly important topic. In the future, feedstuffs that are not in direct competition with human food will be prioritized. Livestock farmers can already now reduce the amount of land required for feed cultivation by actively applying efficient feed management measures. Protein sources that can replace rapeseed and soya and other conventional feedstuffs are increasingly viewed as an attractive alternative.

EuroTier HallsIn the debate about avoiding food competition, possible alternative sources of protein, fat and carbohydrates for animal feed have entered the discussion. One area is the use of insects as animal feed. Another alternative food source under consideration is plant biomass from aquatic sources, especially algae, which do not require agricultural land.

EuroTier 2024 reflects the developments in this area and presents the latest alternative protein sources at the “Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show” for the self-contained agricultural and food systems of the future. Additionally, at EuroTier 2024, leading companies from the national and international animal feed industry and start-ups will be demonstrating how innovative feed and processes can be used to meet the demands of responsible livestock feeding.

DLG-Spotlights to explore practical farming topics
• The TopTierTreff feature is once again the international marketplace for top genetics in Hall 11, where leading German and international breeding companies and organizations from the dairy and beef cattle sector will present breeding stock.
• The “Solar Transition” spotlight at EnergyDecentral 2024, which takes place in parallel to EuroTier, and the “Inhouse farming” spotlight with a focus on alternative proteins and indoor farming solutions.
• The “agrifood start-ups” area presents innovative industry solutions from entrepreneurial companies while working as a networking venue for start-ups and investors.
• In the DLG.Prototype.Club, teams of software engineers solve technical challenges set by exhibitors in order to develop workable prototypes for their initiatives.

The topics sustainability, animal welfare and environmental protection – from field to plate – will be addressed and brought to life at the DLG-stand in hall 13. Exhibits on reducing emissions in and around the housing and the DLG animal welfare program for dairy cattle farming are also showcased.

Award-winning innovations – inspiring people
As part of EuroTier, the DLG will be presenting three leading international awards for innovative animal husbandry technology:

The “Innovation Award EuroTier” recognizes innovations ready for practical farm use and underlines the importance of modern technical solutions for livestock farming. The “Animal Welfare Award“, a distinction of the EuroTier Innovation Awards, recognizes products and services that meet the requirements for higher animal welfare standards and improved animal health to a particularly high degree. Pioneering work and concepts for sustainable animal husbandry and decentralized energy production are honored with the “DLG-Agrifuture Concept Winner Award“, evaluated by an international jury. The international “Women in Ag Award” honors inspiring women from agriculture, agribusiness, education, technology and research. The best channels from YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram will receive the “DLG Agri Influencer Award“.

Optimal complement: EnergyDecentral and Inhouse Farming
EnergyDecentral trade fair and the Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show both take place in parallel with EuroTier. Covering the entire value chain of sustainable energy production, including resources, energy production and smart energy, EnergyDecentral has already established itself as the leading platform for decentralized energy supply. The new Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show will be the global B2B venue for agricultural and food systems of the future. Closely networked with agricultural practice, the Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show offers specialist information, perspectives, innovations and business – from feed to food. Both offerings represent an optimal extension of the specialist range of topics at EuroTier.

Ticket shop now open and travel information
The ticket shop for EuroTier 2024 is open. EuroTier has several travel partners in India that will be happy to assist with further information regarding the 2024 event. If of interest, please visit the EuroTier website for a list of all partners. Further details and tickets can be found on the website:

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