“Great visitor interest in animal welfare, sustainability and automation.”

EuroTier 2024, scheduled from November 12 to 15 in Hanover, Germany, is the world’s leading trade fair for professional animal farming and livestock management. DLG (German Agricultural Society), a non-profit organization that supports the facilitation of farming knowledge, is in charge of organizing the trade show. The exhibition attracts some 2,100 companies including this year 15 from India and 120,000 visitors. Additionally, several delegations from India are expected.

We asked Ines Rathke, EuroTier Project Manager, what innovations visitors can expect and how the trade fair supports farmers in tackling current challenges.

EuroTier 24 BannerPoultry TRENDS: Mrs Rathke, the main theme of this year’s EuroTier is “We innovate animal farming”. Why did you finally decide on this motto?

Ines Rathke: With the themeWe innovate animal farming“, we as the DLG would like to emphasize that challenges are always also opportunities. Climate change, increased environmental regulations and changing social demands on agriculture… with the relevant innovations and solutions, this can also mean progress for agriculture. The key question for us as organizers is therefore: “How can we help livestock farmers find the answers to the questions of tomorrow that continue to not only ensure food security but also secure their farms in the long term?”. And this is exactly where this year’s main theme comes in. At EuroTier 2024, visitors will be able to inspect innovations for modern animal husbandry, animal housing construction, feeding technology and automation, among many other novel professional approaches.

Poultry TRENDS: What special features can visitors look forward to?

Ines Rathke: The launch of our new platform for livestock robotics, digitalization, automation and AI in agriculture should be particularly interesting this year: FarmRobotix. The popular “Barn Robot Event” is integrated into FarmRobotix. Here, farming professionals can experience seven different automatic feed pushers in action. Farm businesses continue to benefit from automating farm processes with robots, which then frees up time to further optimize other operations.

Another highlight of the trade fair is the DLG Spotlight AI on poultry farms“. In a dedicated exhibition area, start-ups and established companies will be presenting their AI-based solutions for poultry farming, from in-ovo sexing to animal welfare and health monitoring.

Poultry TRENDS: Agriculture is facing major challenges: increasing environmental regulations, structural change, growing animal welfare requirements versus increasing efficiency in global competition. What ideas will EuroTier provide farmers with?

Ines Rathke: The exhibiting companies at EuroTier will present solutions for all livestock sectors. The “World Poultry Show” is back at EuroTier and is preceded by “International Poultry Day 2024“, an invitation event that will take place the day before EuroTier starts on November 11 at the EuroTier exhibition grounds, renowned speakers and industry experts will address the topic of “Poultry for a healthy planet”. Which screws can be turned to further reduce the CO2 footprint of the production chain while remaining economical and efficient are just some of the questions discussed. A total of 300 of our exhibitors specialize in poultry. And the DLG spotlight “Inhouse Farming” is all about self-contained agricultural and food systems including a focus on insects. Additional topics are aquaculture and vertical farming in circular economy systems. Animal nutrition is a major lever for greater animal welfare, animal health and efficiency on the farm. Farmers can start here easily and without major new investment and will find plenty of inspiration and new ideas for the future in three large halls at EuroTier.

Poultry TRENDS: The shortage of skilled workers is omnipresent. What does EuroTier have to offer to help people find a job?

Ines Rathke: Whether young professional or young farmer , there is also a lot on offer for young people at EuroTier. On Wednesday (November 13), “Celebrate Purpose” (from 5 p.m. at DLG stand 13-E58) will show the diverse and meaningful opportunities to get involved in agriculture and whet the appetite for the industry.

Thursday (November 14) is Young Farmers Day. This is the central meeting place for all those at the beginning of their career in agriculture and agribusiness. At the “Young DLG Lounge“, stand 13- E58, interested visitors can find out what the agricultural industry has to offer young professionals. The specialist program offers guidance on career topics and the Career & Networking Events “YoungFarmersConnect” brings interested parties together with companies between 4 and 7 p.m. at DLG Stand 13-E58 for a relaxed get-together and exchange.

Poultry TRENDS: EnergyDecentral – the leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply – and the Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show will take place at the same time as EuroTier 2024: How do the three themes fit together?

Ines Rathke: The Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show will present new and complementary mainstays for farms. Above all, the show presented for first time at EuroTier will focus on the opportunities offered by vertical farming, the provision and use of alternative proteins and the use of aquaculture, aquaponics and the cultivation of algae. EnergyDecentral is the leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply. The focus here is on the generation of renewable energy on the farm, including biogas plants and solar energy but also wood fuel and wind turbines. Both trade fairs are the ideal complement to EuroTier 2024.

Poultry TRENDS: How has the industry responded to EuroTier 2024 so far?

Ines Rathke: The response so far has been very good. A visitor survey that we conducted at the end of June already showed a high level of interest in visiting the trade fair. 60 percent of those surveyed stated that they intended to visit EuroTier in Hanover. When it comes to current industry topics, professional farming visitors from both Germany and abroad rank high the topics of animal welfare, sustainability, automation, robotics and digitalization. Around 2,000 exhibitors will be showcasing their innovations and offerings here, making EuroTier unique in its size and diversity.

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