As we know, the poultry feed cost accounts for approximately 75-80% of bird production. The main sources used in poultry feed production are energy and protein. There are so many protein sources used in livestock feed production. They may be of plant or animal origin.

Here, in this series of articles, we briefly list the following main protein sources used in poultry feed.
• Full Fat Soya Meal
• Low Fat Soya Meal
• Meat Cum Bone Meal (MBM)
• Soya DOC
• Maize Gluten
• Rice Gluten
• Roasted/Toasted Guar Korma
• Fish Meal
• Rice DDGS
• Maize DDGS
• Whole Fish
• Chicken Meal etc.
This article discusses Full Fat Soya Meal, Low Fat Soya Meal and Meat Cum Bone Meal (MBM)
• Soybeans prior to oil extraction are referred to as full-fat Soy beans.
• Full-fat soya meal is a valuable feed ingredient because of its energy protein, linoleic acid and lecithin contents.
• Full fat soybean contains high fat levels and is a good source of all the essential amino acids.
• The heating in the cooking through extrusion is required to destroy the anti-nutritional factor, trypsin inhibitor. If this trypsin inhibitor is not destroyed, there will be reduced digestion of protein and growth can suffer.
• It is free from any kind of chemicals or pesticides.
- Protein: 39% min.
- Fat/ Oil: 17% min.
- Moisture: 6%
- Sand & Silica: 1 % max
- Fiber – 6% max.
• It is easier to use full-fat Soyabean than Soyabean meal and oil separately.
• It shows a synergistic effect due to having oil and protein in it.
• There is less chances of adulteration.
• Due to the presence of lecithin, which is an emulsifier, the bio-availability/digestibility of oil increases.
• It is also a good source of Vit. E.
• Low-fat soybean meal is a major source of protein used by the pig and poultry industries due to its excellent amino acid composition and high level of digestibility.
• Mainly manufactured through extrusion and expelling process.
• Free from any kind of chemicals or pesticides
- Protein: 44% min.
- Fat/Oil: 6% max.
- Sand & Silica: 1% max.
- Fiber: 6% max.
• Low fat Soyabean meal contains 6% moisture so it is beneficial to use than soyabean meal, which contains 11-12% moisture.
• Very useful in broiler feeds with combination of other oil sources to balance saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
• Easy to use in feed formulations which requires less amount of oil like Breeder feeds and Layer feeds.
• Good for use in cattle feeds and pig feeds (for fattening) too
• Cost-effective as compared to soya oil and soybean meal.
• Meat cum Bone Meal is a by-product of slaughter houses
• It is a good source of Protein, Fat, phosphorus and calcium.
• It should be sterilized properly otherwise it may contain bacteria like E.coli and Salmonella.
• It is a must that we should procure it from rendering plant only.
• It contains 42-45% Protein, 8-12% Fat, 4-6% Phosphorus and 11-12%ca.
• Pepsin digestibility must be between 82-88%.
• It can be used in poultry feed 3-7%.
• Precautions should be taken from adulteration like leather meal.
- Protein : 42-45%
- Fat : 8-12%
- Phosphorus : 4.5-6%
- Calcium : 10-12%
- Ash : 36-38%
- Moisture : 5-6%
Should be free from bacteria and molds.
The next article in this series will list other main protein sources for poultry feed.
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