Last month, at Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health – South Asia (KAI) regional headquarters in Chennai, India, the team hosted the launch of PHYGEST™ HT, marking the active beginning of the business unit in the phytase market segment.
KAI President Sureshkumar R spoke virtually to the team about the importance of PHYGEST™, and Marketing Director Tanweer Alam introduced the digital promotional and communication tools for the customer-facing team members to use in an effective campaign.
Partha Das, Head of Technical Services, shared the product matrix of PHYGEST™ and Marketing Manager Chandran B briefed team members on the product. Product Manager Rahul Kapse concluded the product launch with his notes and upcoming plans for PHYGEST™.
With the launch of this new product, KAI aims to establish a strong presence in the phytase market in the coming years. This will help elevate the perception of Kemin as a predominant player in basic enzyme manufacturing in customers’ minds.